import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import ConfigError from '../errors/ConfigError'
import Phaser from 'phaser'
* Returns a setup object containing a canvas ref and a reference to the Phaser game instance.
* @function
* @module usePhaser
* @param {Object} [config] The config object for the Phaser game instance.
* @returns {InstanceConfig} A config object containing a canvas ref and a reference to the Phaser game instance.
* @throws {module:ConfigError} Will throw a ConfigError if the Phaser game is mis-configured by the user.
export default function usePhaser(config = {}) {
const canvasRef = useRef()
const [game, setGame] = useState()
useEffect(() => {
if (config.canvas) {
throw new ConfigError(config, 'canvas')
if (config.type !== undefined && config.type !== Phaser.CANVAS) {
throw new ConfigError(config, 'type')
const modifiedConfig = config
modifiedConfig.canvas = canvasRef.current
modifiedConfig.type = Phaser.CANVAS
const userDefinedPostBootCallback = config.callbacks?.postBoot
const auxiliaryPostBootCallback = (bootedGame) => {
setGame(() => bootedGame)
if (userDefinedPostBootCallback) {
modifiedConfig.callbacks.postBoot = (bootedGame) => {
} else if (config.callbacks) {
console.log('user did ')
modifiedConfig.callbacks.postBoot = auxiliaryPostBootCallback
} else {
modifiedConfig.callbacks = {
postBoot: auxiliaryPostBootCallback
const phaser = new Phaser.Game(modifiedConfig)
return () => {
}, [config])
return [canvasRef, game]
* A config object containing a canvas ref and a reference to the Phaser game instance.
* @typedef InstanceConfig
* @type {Object}
* @property {Object} canvasRef The reference to the Phaser game canvas.
* @property {Object} game The Phaser game instance.
* @see module:usePhaser
* @see module:GameComponent